Friday 9 February 2018

Shortcut Tricks to Solve Square Roots and Cube Roots in less time.
These simple methods on how to find the cube root of a number and square root of a number make easy and simple to implement. In almost we get the questions on numerical ability and also there will be a time constraint. So we have speed up our ability in doing calculations faster. Though speed improves by practicing more problems we have to use some shortcut tricks too. Here, to perform these calculations simple. The job seekers have to remember “Cubes” and “Squares” of only these first 10 natural numbers.
Squares of 1 to 10 Numbers:
1= 1, 22 = 4, 32 = 9, 4= 16, 5=25.
62 = 36, 72 = 49, 82 Cubes of 1 to 10 Numbers:
13 = 1, 2= 8, 33 = 27, 43 = 48, 53 = 125.
63 = 216, 73 = 343, 83 = 512, 93 = 729, 103 = 1000.

How to find Square Root of a Number?

Example 1: Suppose we need to calculate the square root of number 529.
Follow the Step by Step process below.
  1. Check the unit’s place digit. Here it is 9.
  2. From 1 to 10 squares of numbers we need to check the square of which numbers unit digit is 9.
  3. For the number 32 = 9 and 72 =49.
  4. Here we have to decide the square root of 529 has 3 or 7 in its units place.
  5. Check the first digit is 5 from 529. We have to check approx. the square root of 5 i.e. 2. So 2 is the first digit of our answer and have to decide 3 or 7 as 2nd .
  6. Between 23 and 27 there is 25 check the square of 25 i.e. 625.
529 < 625. So we have to select small number as our answer from 23 and 25.
The answer is 23.
Note: Once you understand the logic behind this you can able to solve in seconds of time.

Example 2: How to find the square root of a number  6084.

Here also follow the same process as above clearly explained in the below image.
Examples to practice: (Solve yourself using above procedure).
  1. 8649 = 93.
  2. 7559 = 87.
  3. 12544 = 112.

How to Find Cube Root:

To find the cube root of a number is the little bit different from the process of finding the square root. Follow the process as shown in the below image. If you unable to understand please comment I will make it clear.

Example 1: How to find the Cube root of a number 103823.

Examples to practice: (Solve yourself using above procedure)
  1. 531441 = 81.
  2. 35937 = 33.
  3. 175616 = 56.
= 64, 92 =81, 102 = 100

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